The world has been turned into a global village mainly because the developments in Information Technology in any part of the world can be accessed any time it is required by using appropriate facility. Nigeria, in it’s policy formulation endeavours to catch up with the rest of the world by encouraging and teaching of the subject.
The author has attempted to bring computer awareness to the doorstep of every Nigerian. As a first step, a book series, Computer Education for the Young Ones, Book 1-6 has been published mainly for Primary School pupils. The present exercise is to extend the knowledge of Secondary School students in Junior Secondary Schools. The book of course is also useful to all those who are sufficiently inspired to learn the rudiments of Information Technology. The author has tried as much as possible to be down to earth in the expression to enhance the student’s understanding of the contents of the book without compromising standards.
In her endeavour to bring the issue of Information Technology to a logical conclusion, the author has written Book 3 of “BASIC INFORMATION for Junior Secondary Schools.” This is a follow-up to Books 1 and 2. whilst Book 1 is devoted to the general overview of computer and its applications. Book 2 is devoted to Communication. Computer roles in network an the World Wide Web. Book 3 is devoted solely to programming using QBasic Programming Language.
The author’s decision to devote Book 3 to the important subject of programming is not by accident as this forms the bedrock of computer software development. The movers and shakers of the computer world in software development such as Microsoft inc., Oracle Inc, etc. depends on Programming Languages and use it extensively in software production. if Nigeria is to catch up with Information Technology, she should like in other parts of the world bring up the young ones to write programs. It is only in this way that we can get most of our activities automated.
Book 3 has therefore been packaged in a way that students can follow on their own with only a minimum guide by the teachers. The book is presented in fourteen chapters. Each chapter has been made very interesting and simple to understand. With the teaching of this subject in the Secondary Schools, nod doubt, a seed of revolution in Information Technology is being sown and watered in the country. No serious student should allow himself to be passed by the wind of change blowing over the country. Students are therefore advised to join the Information technology Train and you will be happy you did.
Folake Adeniyi
Abuja, Nigeria
May, 2001